As I write I an currently sat under the stage at the New Theatre in Oxford, half way through the third show of the run with the Oxford Operatic Society.

The show is a lot of fun, and while it differs from the film in it’s focus on the wider friendship group rather than just the relationship between Danny and Sandy, it still maintains a charm comparable with it’s iconic partner.

The music is, as you’d expect, very 50’s in it’s composition, and there are a number of repetitive themes which would be comforting if they weren’t in different keys! Still, there’s a lot of tasty stuff to play in my Guitar 2 part and it’s very pretty and delicate in places.

I’m using my Les Paul, with my Blues Junior. The LP is great for a wide variety of sounds, and I’m making use of all of the pickup positions which is really nice – the middle position is surprisingly delicate and sensitive and at times choppy.

I’m combining the guitar and amp with a number of pedals – Ibanez TS9 overdrive, Zvex Distortron, Line6 Tap Tremolo and Line6 Echo Park. I’ve also got my volume pedal at the end of the chain which I’m making a lot of use of. The tremolo only comes on when I can let chords ring, and it really sets them off and sends my coins back to the fifties. Coupled with a regular use of slap-back delay and I’m pretty much there. I occasionally kick on the TS9 for a little ‘hair’ for single notes, and the Distortron is wound right down, although heavy enough to wail when I need it.

Most of the shows have sold out so, it’s even more of a privilege to be involved. The band members are great and I can’t wait for the rest of the run!