Linsdale Singers and the Peacemakers Concert

Last night I performed with the Linsdale singers for a one-off performance of Karl Jenkins’ Peacemakers. I was covering the 5-string fretless bass part, however due to my lack of a fretless 5-string bass, there was a guitar part which I played, alongside some critical parts on my fretted 4-string from the original bass part.

This was my first time performing with an orchestra and choir, and it was a really worthwhile experience that I hope to duplicate in the future. It was refreshing to play the bass and also have to work alongside the string bass in the orchestra but also nice to be doing more work on my classical guitar.

I think it went really well, and it was particularly nice playing to a full and appreciative audience.

Next up are Flashdance and Jesus Christ Superstar performances – lots to look forward to!